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Circuit, Breathing, Disposable

  • Manufacturer Name : SMITH & NEPHEW
  • MFG # : 450956-NL
  • Distributor Name : Medline
PID UOM Price Qty
384720 12/CS
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Additional Information

Product NameAnesthesia Breathing Circuit
ComponentsInspiratory limb, expiratory limb, Y-piece, connectors
FunctionFacilitates the controlled delivery and removal of anesthesia gases
ConstructionPrecision-crafted with materials adhering to safety standards
FlexibilityAdaptable to various patient sizes and procedural requirements
Safety StandardsComplies with stringent safety standards for gas delivery
RoleFundamental in maintaining patient safety and ensuring precise anesthesia delivery
VersatilitySuitable for a range of medical procedures
IntegrationConnects with the anesthesia machine to form a complete delivery system


The Anesthesia Breathing Circuit is critical in administering anesthesia, ensuring a safe and controlled delivery of gases to the patient during medical procedures. Crafted with precision, this circuit comprises various elements that contribute to a seamless and efficient anesthesia delivery system.

The breathing circuit typically includes components such as the inspiratory limb, expiratory limb, Y-piece, and connectors. These components work in tandem to facilitate the flow of gases between the anesthesia machine and the patient.

The inspiratory limb allows the delivery of the anesthesia gases from the machine to the patient, while the expiratory limb facilitates the removal of exhaled gases from the patient. The Y-piece serves as a junction where the inspiratory and expiratory limbs meet, enabling the coordination of gas flow.

Constructed with materials that adhere to stringent safety standards, the Anesthesia Breathing Circuit ensures the delivery of clean and uncontaminated gases to the patient. The circuit's flexibility and adaptability cater to various patient sizes and procedural requirements, providing healthcare professionals with a reliable tool for administering anesthesia.

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